Hildá Länsman & Tuomas Norvio

Duo / trio (with video-visuals)

Album release 2024.

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The new duo Hildá Länsman & Tuomas Norvio mixes the ancient Sámi vocal tradition of joik with modern electronic music.

Hildá Länsman is one of Sápmi's strongest vocalists and a proud knowledge bearer and a champion of the vocal style joik.

Tuomas Norvio is a Finnish sound designer, composer, producer and multi-musician. By combining the traditional vocal luohti (joik) with one-of-a-kind electronic music, Hildá and Tuomas call forth a room that lets the audience dance, laugh and cry all at once.

Together with video-artist Alice Marie Jektevik they have created a truly modern concert experience that opens portals to the past and the future.

As a duo they have collaborated since 2017, and are finally releasing their debut-record this year on the newly minted Fierran Records, but have already proven themselves with stunning performances at festivals like Riddu Riđđu and stages like Oslo's Riksscenen. The rumors tell of energetic and danceable gigs where improvisation melts together with fresh electronic breezes that cover the Nordic music scene in Hildá and Tuomas' fantastic landscapes.

Hildá Länsman & Tuomas Norvio will release their debut album in 2024. The duo's live concerts are known for being energetic and danceable, and for stages with a projector or LED screen they play with video artist Alice Marie Jektevik.

"There is something special about joik, and its most closely related genres, and when it is mixed with electronica in a tasteful and elegant way, magic happens."

- Review, Harstad Tidende